June 18, 2008

I love Durham

So, since I have been married, I have really grown to love Durham. This is mostly because of Kim. She has encouraged us to look around and see what's going on around town and find some new restaraunts. I'm so glad she has too because I've discovered what a great city this is that I live in.

This weekend Kimberly and I are going to a Chili Cookoff downtown to sample some delicious chili and just enjoy the everchanging, renovated downtown area. Just last month we had our annual Taste of Durham Festival in which owners of various restaraunts in the area give tastes of their cuisine to all who come.

Also, on the week of July 6-13 there is going to be the Week of Hope in which some area churches are getting together to help out the community. They will be doing some upgrades to schools and community centers, giving dental check-ups, washing cars, giving oil changes. It's going to be so awesome!

The last thing I have is a great map that I've done showing some restaurants that Kim and I either want to go to or have gone to here in Durham. It just consists of local restaurants, no chains. Check it out.

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What's going on in your town?

1 comment:

Mobile Minded said...

This past weekend was "Rib Fest" in downtown Winston Salem. It was packed with all kinds of BBQ businesses passing out free samples of ribs and BBQ Chicken and Pork. You could also taste test several BBQ and Hot sauces. YUM!