So, I watched a movie last night with Kimberly called, Hannah Takes the Stairs. I don't think I would recommend it because it had excessive nudity (although not in a sexual manner, just "I'm standing around with no top on" nudity), and was filmed very strangely (mostly improvised and shot in a documentary style). However, I did find it interesting for the things going on beneath the surface in the movie.
It starts off with Hannah, the main character, dating this guy and in a seemingly good relationship, but then things fall apart quickly and she realizes she's not happy with him because they don't seem to connect. Plus, she likes this guy at her new job. So, she breaks up with boyfriend #1 and very quickly starts dating the guy at work, boyfriend #2. Things are great with boyfriend #2 at first, but then she realizes that he's never around and never spends any quality time with her. So, she breaks up with him. To end the movie she starts dating another guy at work, boyfriend #3 and seems happy with him, but considering how the other 2 went, you kind of wonder when that one is going to fall apart too.
Before she starts dating boyfriend #3 she confesses to him that she suffers from chronic dissatisfaction. Basically, she's happy for a time, but then she is disappointed in whatever it is she's doing at the time. This is the part of the movie that I found most interesting because it is so true of everyone in real life. Most people won't admit it, but we do so many things hoping that this will make us happy, but most of the time nothing works. We think if we get that job we'll be happy, or if we date that person we'll be happy, or if we weigh this much we'll be happy, or if we drive this car we'll be happy...but like I said none of it works.
We think it's something we're doing wrong, but in reality there is nothing we can do to make ourselves happy. Only God can provide true happiness for us. Because it's when we realize that he is in control of things that we understand that we are exactly as God intended us to be and we become satisfied with what we have and who we are.
6 years ago
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