This is going to be long because it's two episodes into one for a full hour of gloriousness!
Jerry and George meet Keith Hernandez in the locker room of the gym that they attend and he tells Jerry that he's a big fan of his comedy. This excites Jerry since Keith Hernandez is one of his favorite players of all-time and they exchange phone numbers. Jerry then gets upset because it's been a few days and Keith still hasn't called. He starts wondering how long he should wait before calling him.
George is going to the unemployment office to try to keep his unemployment money coming in. In order to do so, he has to convince them that he's doing job interviews. He tells the lady that he interview for a job a Vandalay Industries to be their latex salesman. Of course, this is not a real company so he gives them Jerry's address and phone number as a contact for the company. He has to run to Jerry's apartment to explain that he has to answer the phone "Vandalay Industries" so that George can keep getting his money. Kramer ends up answering the phone, but doesn't know what's going on and therefore ruins the entire plan for George. George's next idea is to inquire about the Labor worker's less than attractive daughter. This gets her attention and she let's him go provided he go on a few dates with her. After a while, the daughter breaks up with George and this plan falls through as well. His last hope is to convince the Labor worker that he is good friends with Keith Hernandez and can get him to come in person to the office.
Kramer finds out that Jerry is hanging out with Keith, but this is exactly what Jerry doesn't want to happen because him and Newman have had it out for Keith since June 14, 1987 when he supposedly spit on them. Jerry reenacts this "JFK"esque scene for Elaine explaining the whole event, and then surmises that it couldn't have been Keith, that there must have been a second spitter.
Keith asks Jerry if he can ask Elaine out and he says that's fine, but then regrets. He asks her out and she says yes, but Jerry starts to get jealous. Elaine though, is unsure of whether he's jealous of Keith or of her. He then also asks Jerry to help him move, which Jerry agrees to, but then regrets that as well because he thinks it's a big step in a relationship with a guy. Things go well for Keith and Elaine until he pulls out a cigarette to light up and she ends the whole thing because she can't stand smokers. Jerry also calls things off with Keith, saying the relationship is moving too fast. Keith and Kramer then bump into each other in Jerry's apartment and Keith explains that it was Jack McDowell who spit on him and Newman, not him.
In the end, Kramer and Newman help Keith move and George fails to get Keith down to the Labor Office because Jerry "broke up" with him.
Interesting fact: Jerry in real life was very nervous about meeting and working with Keith because he is a big Mets and Keith Hernandez fan.
Interesing quote:
Keith: "Elaine, you don't know the first thing about first base."
Elaine: "I know you'll never get there."
Keith: "The way I see it, I've already been there and about 11 o'clock tonight I'll be rounding second base."
Elaine: "Well, I would check with the third base coach if I were you because I don't think he's waving you in."
Grade: A+ (One of the best episodes that Seinfeld ever did)
6 years ago
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