August 16, 2008

The Letter (Ep. 320)

Jerry is dating a painter, Nina, who is painting a portrait of Kramer. Him and George go to see her and she gives them tickets from her dad, the Yankees accountant, in the owner's box for the Yankees game. Jerry can't go, but George, Elaine, and Kramer take the tickets. While at the game, someone asks Elaine to take off her Orioles cap because it would be offensive to the owner, but she refuses and causes an uproar. This is not good for Elaine because she told Mr. Lippman she was going to see her dad for the weekend to get out of going to his grandson's bris. This is worsened when she realizes they make the sports section of the next days paper.

Nina gets upset because Elaine wouldn't take off her Orioles cap while sitting in seats that she gave to them and they get into an argument and they break up. She leaves a letter for him at his apartment that blows him away and he immediately gets back together with her. Later that day, him and Elaine and George are flipping channels and they stop on a movie and discover that the letter that she wrote was quoted straight from the movie. He lets her know that he knows and he ends the relationship.

Elaine is worried that Mr. Lippman will see her in the sports section, but he apparently doesn't. Later though he is talking to his friend, Nina's dad, and he tell him about the incident, but Mr. Lippman doesn't realize it was Elaine. He gets tickets from his friend to the Yankees game and invites Elaine to come with him. He tells her that since she's an Orioles fan to bring her since it will be funny. She does and it causes a problem once again.

Interesting quote: "I like the button fly. That is one place in my wardrobe I don't need sharp interlocking metal teeth." - Jerry

Grade: B (Funny in moments, mostly when Kramer is involved)

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