August 5, 2008

The Parking Garage (Ep. 306)

Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer are lost in the parking garage at a mall in Jersey. Not really lost, but they can't find Kramer's car. Kramer is carrying around a massive air conditioning unit, Elaine has a goldfish, George has to meet his parents in front of his building at 6:15 (it's 5 when they leave the mall), and Jerry has to pee. Kramer eventually hides the air conditioner while they walk around looking for the car. He convinces Jerry to pee in a corner of the parking garage by telling him that he's too cautious, and Jerry gets caught by mall security. Elaine leaves to look on a different level, and while she's gone, Kramer convinces George to pee in a corner of the garage also. He too gets caught by the same security guard.

Jerry and George get released by the security guard and find Elaine, who is hysterical because her goldfish is dying. They walk around continuing to look for the car and all the while asking people to drive them around the deck. Nobody seems willing to do it for them, until a woman George is attracted to agrees to do it. Somehow they make her mad and she slams on the brakes forcing them to get out. Luckily, she dumps them out right in front of Kramer's car. Still no Kramer, but he shows up a minute later with his air conditioner. It is now 7:45 and George is late to meet his parents. They get in the car to leave, but the car does not start.

Interesting fact: First appearance of Kramer driving a car. The car not starting at the end was not in the script. The car was just such a piece of junk, when they finally got in it, it wouldn't start. It obviously worked perfectly for the show.

Interesting quote: "I don't carry around pens, I'm afraid I'll puncture my scrotum." - George

Grade: A- (Not as funny as The Chinese Restaurant, but still very intelligent writing)

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