September 5, 2008

The Implants (Ep. 419)

Jerry is dating Sidra, a beautiful woman he met at the Health Club and things are going great until Elaine tells him that her breasts are fake. He has to know if they are real or not, so he gets Elaine to find out. She sees Sidra in the sauna and declares without a doubt that they are fake. Jerry breaks up with her because he can be with someone with a fake personality, but fake breasts are a no go. Later, she sees Sidra in the sauna again and trips and accidently uses her breasts to break her fall. This causes her to declare to Jerry that they are definitely real. Jerry gets back with Sidra, but unfortunately Elaine stops by while they are together and she believes Elaine fell on her on purpose.

George is dating a girl who he can't get to first base with because she always sits on his right and he can't "go" right because he's right handed. About the time he is finally making a move, she gets a call that her aunt has passed away. George is encouraged by Jerry and Kramer to go to the funeral, but he doesn't want to pay that kind of money for a flight. Kramer suggests a bereavement fare, but George discovers he needs a copy of the death certificate to get it. While at the funeral he has actually convinced her dad to give him a copy (through lying of course), but then gets in a fight with her brother Timmy over double dipping a chip. He doesn't get the certificate and therefore, neither the discount.

Kramer believes he sees Salman Rushdie at the Health Club too and when he introduces himself to him, finds out the guy's name is Sal Bass. He's a writer too and believes that it really is him, just using a fake name.

Interesting fact: Not really a fact, but Timmy reminds me of David Luper when he's arguing with George over double dipping the chip.

Interesting quote: "And by the way. They're real and they're spectacular!" - Sidra

Grade: B (Pretty funny episode, more interesting that it features both Teri Hatcher and Megan Mullaly as Jerry and George's girlfriends respectively)

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