September 15, 2008

The Puffy Shirt (Ep. 503)

Kramer is dating a girl who is a low talker. Unfortunately, nobody wants to tell her this and instead just pretends they can hear her. This backfires when Jerry and Elaine are out to eat with her and Kramer. She is a clothing designer and apparently while Kramer is gone to the bathroom she asks Jerry if he would wear her new design during his appearance on the Today Show. He unknowingly agrees and is surprised when Kramer informs him of him of the new popularity of the Puffy Shirt all because Jerry is going to wear it on the Today Show.

George is having to move back in with his parents against his better judgement. While out to dinner with them he gets depressed and walks away from the table. During this time, he bumps into a lady who is an agent for hand models. She claims that George has the most perfect hands she has ever seen and immediately books him for some hand modeling gigs. George is excited over his newfound fame and the possibility of getting back out of his parents house.

Kramer tries to tell Jerry that he is going to be the leader of the pirate look, but that's really a good selling point. Elaine begs him not to wear it since it's kind of flashy and he's making an appearance in support of Goodwill. He decides to wear it and is humiliated and voices his embarassment to Kramer's girlfriend. She gets furious and when George starts making fun of it, she attacks him. He ends up falling into a hot iron and burning his hands, essentially ending his hand modeling career.

Interesting fact: It's the first of the group's name calling for people...the low-talker.

Interesting quote: "But I don't want to be a pirate." - Jerry

Grade: B+ (The Puffy Shirt is good television)

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