January 27, 2010

What is Right

Today, I did something that was right. It was very obviously the right thing to do, even a child would have known it was the right thing to do. Yet, it was a difficult thing to do. I wanted to ignore it, walk away, and pretend to be ignorant. I knew what the right thing was, it didn't even inconvenience me all that much, but it was still a difficult decision. Why is it that even the simplest decisions become so difficult when it comes to choosing between right and wrong?

It reminds me of the verse: "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." - Romans 7:15

On a side note I wanted to mention my wife's blog: http://kmcbride83.blogspot.com/. In the last few years, Kimberly and I have been wanting to cut back on what we spend on gifts for christmas and also give more to charity as well. Kimberly has a very obvious passion for giving to others as well as doing various crafts...she has recently discovered a way to combine the two passions. Please go check out her blog to read more about it.