January 26, 2009

Busy weekend

Saturday night: Kim and I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire, a movie we've been waiting to see for some time now.  It did not disappoint either.  It's the story of a kid from Mumbai, India who grew up in the slums with nothing and makes it big on India's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  It's an amazing story with great acting and will most definitely move you.  I'm not usually one who cares about all the awards ceremonies, but I really hope this one wins an award or two.

Sunday morning: We went to Duke Chapel to see Shane Claiborne speak.  It was great if just for the experience of the church service.  Duke is a Methodist school, and so the service is much different than what I'm used to, but I really got a lot out of it.  Shane spoke about how we as Christian's should not be dismayed by the things going on around us.  We have a greater reward coming to us and therefore should be a light in the dark times that the world is experiencing.  It was a very good message.  If you don't know anything about him, I suggest you pick up his book The Irresistable Revolution and at least read some of it.

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