December 8, 2008

Alabama football

I know the season isn't technically over and the game January 2nd against Utah does still count, but I wanted to go ahead and thank Alabama for a fantastic season of football.  Easily the best Alabama team I've seen since their championship team of '92, and possibly better.  You gave it your best shot against an amazing Florida team, but you came up short.  That's okay...just don't do it again next year.

On a side note, I would like to admonish the play of one particular player for Alabama and that's Javier Arenas.  I'll be the first to say that he's an amazingly talented player, but sometimes he just tries too hard to make a great play and it backfires.  A really smart player knows when to take a risk and when to play it safe.  He too often takes too many risks; such as catching a kickoff on the 4 yard line while tip-toeing the out of bounds line, or catching a punt on the 4 yard line with a defender bearing down on top of you.  Let's just hope that he matures a little between now and his senior year.

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