December 26, 2008

Reasonable Risk

Some people have questioned mine and Kimberly's choice to go overseas right now.  Their argument is that it's not safe in the world and something might happen to us.  Rest assured that the Peace Corp would not send us anywhere that they didn't feel was safe for us to go.  We are not going into combat so therefore they are not sending us into warzone type environments.  The goal of the Peace Corp is to provide assistance in any way possible to developing nations, and we wouldn't be able to provide assistance if the foreign country was not stable enough.

Now none of this is to say that conditions will be great, but that's the point.  Peace Corp volunteers are expected to live at the level of most of the native people in their area.  This is done so that the volunteer completely integrates themself into the society.  It may be hard, but it is by no means unsafe.  This is something that Kim and I have been looking for, for quite some time.  We wanted an experience very unlike our life here in America, something to challenge us, and make us think outside our relatively cushy life here at home.

The Peace Corp is a risk, but as I stated in the title of this post, it's a Reasonable Risk.

1 comment:

Jeremy Copeland said...

Hey Nick, when do you guys leave? I still think what you are doing is awesome. I tell people about you often.