December 24, 2008

The Bookstore (Ep. 917)

George takes a book from the bookstore into the bathroom and is forced to buy it for $100.  He tries to return it at various locations, but it's been red flagged everywhere.  Jerry catches Leo stealing from the same bookstore and decides to teach him a lesson, not knowing that he has "priors" on his record.  Elaine gets wasted at the annual J. Peterman party and makes out with a coworker.  Kramer and Newman set out to start a rickshaw taxi business in New York City, but have troubles when a homeless man steals their rickshaw.

Interesting quote: 
"You went home with him?" - George
"Worse, we made out at the table like our plane was going down." - Elaine

Grade: B+ (very solidly funny episode)

*Also wanted to thank my friend Jace for my Grogger (Grammy for a Blogger)...I didn't even know I was nominated.

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