October 18, 2008

The Engagement (Ep. 701)

George and Jerry make a pact to do something with their lives, namely grow up and get serious with relationships.  Kramer talks Jerry out of this silliness, saying marriage is like a man-made prison.  George visits Susan and after much negotiation convinces her to marry him.  Later, after discovering Jerry backed out, he rethinks his decision.  Elaine is bothered by a neighbor's barking dog and Newman and Kramer hatch a plan to kidnap the dog, but it goes awry and they all 3 get arrested.

Interesting quote: "I mean what are you thinking about Jerry, marriage? Family?  They're prisions!  Man-made prisons.  You're doing time.  You get up in the morning, she's there.  You go to sleep at night, she's there.  It's like you gotta ask permission to use the bathroom.  'Is it alright if I use the bathroom now?!'  And you can forget about watching TV while you're eating." - Kramer

Grade: A (for the George and Jerry plot) D (for the Elaine, Kramer, and Newman plot)

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