September 19, 2008

The Cigar Store Indian (ep. 510)

Jerry upsets Elaine and to make up for it decides to get her a Cigar Store Indian that he likes.  When he goes to drop it off he ends up offended her friend Wynona who is Native American and Jerry likes.  George meets a girl at an antique store and takes her back to his parents house while they are out of town and has sex with her on his parents bed.  They find out about it when they return and find a condom wrapper on the bed and so they ground George.  Elaine borrows a TV Guide from the Costanza's apartment and loses it.  This upsets Frank because he is a collector of TV Guides.  Jerry eventually goes out with Wynona, but doesn't feel comfortable because he's always worried of offended her and he eventually does by calling her an "Indian giver."

Interesting quote: "Let's bury the hatchet, we smokem peace pipe." - Jerry

Grade: A (one of my all-time favorites)

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