September 24, 2008


It's such an ugly word and it really does give me shivers every time I hear it.  I don't actually know that many people who have gotten divorces, but just yesterday I found out about someone that I sort of know who is getting divorced.  I don't know the girl, I only know the guy, and I have no idea whatsoever the reasons for this, but it breaks my heart to hear this.  I just want to know, what happened?  Where did they go wrong?  How did they get to this point?

I guess the best thing I can pull out of it, is that I have a wonderful marriage to a wonderful girl.  It's never been perfect, but it's been good the entire time we've been together (which will officially be 5 years as of October 13th).  I could not ask for a better person to spend my life with and I pray that I always know that.  Today, take some time to remember the one you love and thank them for loving you back and thank God for bringing this person to you.

1 comment:

Mobile Minded said...

you're 70th monthiversary!