September 22, 2008

The Marine Biologist (Ep. 513)

Jerry bumps into Diane, an old college friend of his and George's, and when she asks about George he tells her that he's a Marine Biologist, much to George's displeasure. Kramer has 600 golfballs and decides to go out to the beach and hit a few. Elaine has a meeting with famous Russian author Yuri Testikof, but makes him mad when her electronic organizer won't stop beeping. In his frustration he tosses it out the window hitting a woman in the head.

The woman finds Jerry's number in the organizer and calls him to find out who's it is. He and Elaine get a plan to record Mr. Testikof confessing to tossing the organizer out the window, but this backfires when the tape recorder starts making a noise and Testikof throws this out the window too. George is at the beach with Diane and there is a group of people surrounding a beached whale. At her persistance he agrees to help the whale, so he does. As it turns out, there was a golfball lodged in it's blowhole...the lone good shot that Kramer had.

Interesting quote: "He's working on lowering the cholesterol level in whales. All that blubber. It's quite unhealthy. It's the largest mammal on Earth, but as George says, "They don't have to be.'" - Jerry

Grade: A+ (probably my favorite of all-time)

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